Freelance SEO consultants

SEO agency formed by
three freelance SEO consultants
with +5 years experience in the sector

We base our SEO work on three main legs

A modern website

We will check that the website is using the latest technology available and is fast, mobile-friendly and secured

Optimized for your users

All the content and design of the site will be optimized so your target audience understand your message easily

Optimized for crawlers

Search engines will love your website: it will be efficient for them to crawl, index and detect every single bit of content in it

We will help Google like your site

If you have a business, you are in luck: Google is focusing more and more on showing high-quality websites and products oriented to satisfy user demand.

The algorithm is being modified and refined almost daily with the intention of showing in results companies, brands and products with a track record and built-up reputation.

Google’s customer is no one else but the users who use it, which is why Google wants to offer the best possible content for them.

Why doesn’t my site get visits?

No matter how attractive a website is, it is totally ineffective if Google does not understand it and nobody visits it. MORE traffic means MORE revenue. The reasons of a bad organic visibility are:

  • Old website with outdated content
  • Is not mobile-friendly
  • Texts are not appealing
  • Poor perfomance
  • Poor architecture
  • All the latest and more at the same time

We deliver complete SEO strategies because:

We build efficient sites

We have proven experience in WordPress, but can work with any other CMS the client is working with.

We write HQ texts

Any serious SEO strategy is based in having good texts. Learn how good copy can boost your traffic.

Example of what you can achieve with SEO in 6 months

  • We started working in the project in January 2020
  • Before that, the client relied only on paid ads for selling online
  • They never carried out a SEO strategy to to improve organic visibility.
  • Organic traffic has increased x4 and is still growing.  
google analytics grafico trafico organico positivo
Gráfico de tráfico de Google Analytics

What to expect trusting us your SEO Project

5 years of expertise

Working in Spainsh, English and Portuguese market

No long-term commitment

Results based: you can stop when you want

International & Multilanguage

Multi-language or multicountry? No problem

Any kind of online sector

Affiliation, e-commerce, local bussineses…

SEO basic infos

What exactly is SEO?

SEO is about helping Google understand a website better and therefore it will rank it higher in the search results.

The Wikipedia definition of SEO is as follows:

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the set of actions aimed at improving the ranking of a website in the results page of Google, Bing, or other internet search engines.

SEO works on technical aspects such as the optimisation of the website architecture and metadata of a site, but it is also applied at the content level, with the aim of making it more useful and relevant for users.

Should you do SEO for your website?

Yes! The world is evolving more and more towards the online market; the last decade has seen an unprecedented expansion of online traffic, and this trend is set to continue for years to come. With more and more websites online, only the best ones and the most optimized will stand out from the crowd of Google.

Currently if you don’t have a SEO optimized site you are missing out on many opportunities to get more visibility and sales for your business.

Applying an SEO strategy to your website allows you to achieve the visibility that will get you more customers. 


How long does an SEO strategy last?

SEO is a medium-term job. If someone says they can get a website to Top-3 in one or two weeks (without Ads campaigns) they are lying: Google rewards tenacity and patience, so you should expect results at least after the first or second quarter of work.

So when you start an SEO project, the first results appear 3-4 months after starting the changes, reaching maturity in approximately 12 months. The establishment of your brand as a benchmark in your sector will come between 12 and 24 months later.

Think about how long it took you to achieve economic and media maturity in your company: it is exactly the same online.

What are the steps of a SEO project?

Any SEO consultancy project is divided in the following way, which we explain below.

We need to know who your competitors are, what type of website they have, what keywords best define you and what sort of website you have.

We also carry out a complete audit of your website and your domain, analysing aspects going from the structure, to the loading speed and the contents. 

We need to know how your environment and your website are doing before we can start making changes. 

We analyse what makes your website irrelevant to Google and we start by applying and correcting the most critical aspects. 

We create a roadmap with all the tasks to be carried out so that both us and the client can keep track of the status of the project. 

If the client has a team of developers or webmasters who are responsible for the maintenance of the site we can work with them to implement the changes listed on the roadmap. 

In the medium term we should carry out a brief analysis of the state of the project, to make sure that we are responding to the user’s needs, that we are really growing in organic traffic and to analyse whether we have managed to improve the usability of our website. 

If we work well on the website and the authority of our brand, Google will value it and we will improve your visibility. This means that any strategy that the client wants to focus on will work better: sales, affiliation, recruitment…

estrategias seo

Quick FAQ's about SEO

how long does a seo project lasts?

SEO should be considered in the medium/long term: the first results may take a trimester, and maturity between 12 and 24 months.

you work seo for physical stores?

Yes, we work with local SEO. If you have a business that works geographically we can also help you without any problem.

how do you start a seo campaign?

The first thing to do is to do a web site audit, to find out what changes need to be implemented and the urgency of those changes.

what does include your seo consultancy?

We will guide the client’s website team or we can make the changes ourselves. The budget can always be scaled without any problem.

You can work with any kind of website?

In theory yes, although if the website is too old or outdated, we will suggest the client to fix it or even make a new one.

what do i need to work with yOU?

Nothing really. Contact us and we will study your case and website without commitment. We work based on results, without permanence.

If you reached that far... get your SEO strategy deployed now